Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Councils, Federations, Networks

Turns out that at the time of my last post, there was supposedly a war going on in our space between the reptilians & greys VS the galactic federation. Since then, I've found out from many different sources the same story.  All these "crazies" are saying the same thing from different sources. Are they all sharing the same collective delusions or is this in fact the truth?

The Agarthian Network - http://www.hollowearthnetwork.com/ - The council that is on our very own planet who live within the core of the planet. This is where the biggest discrepancy is found... They are the only ones I have found that say we have shifted into the 4D in January 2006 and that our next shift will be into 5D.

The Galactic Federation of Light -  http://www.galacticfederationoflight.info/

The Nibiruan Council - http://www.nibiruancouncil.com/ 

The Andromeda Council - http://andromedacouncil.com/

The Sirian High Council - http://sirianrevelations.net/

Peggy Kane - http://evpreversespeaking1.proboards.com/ - Peggy Kane has been talking with the reptilians for some time now and confirms the information as above.

Why are these councils intervening at this time?  According to what I learned from the Andromeda Network, the Reptilians and Greys (Zeta Reticulans mainly from Orion) have been abusing mankind for quite some time and if they had not been stopped, it would have ripple across the entire universe in the next 300 years.  Militarization has to stop. We are killing the planet, and eventually we will kill everything if these dark forces are allowed to grow.  The reptilians "intervened" and abused, first the Greys and now us. As we are entering the photon belt, now is the best time to intervene and help our planet ascend.

Peggy Kane puts forth an interesting story where they could not help being who they were as they were the "shadow" self of God. The Andromeda council says they were sent to the far reaches of the Universe to fight amongst themselves, but Peggy says that they found oneness with God again.

All these 4D and 5D councils are now here to pick up their star seeds and take them elsewhere to continued their evolution. Earth was a prison planet.  Those remaining will be slated for Hollow or Inner Earth while Mother Earth goes through her own evolutionary changes.   All of us will be leaving our mortal lives behind and will evolve to 4d or 5d, unless our hearts are not ready to go. Murderers and bad people who do not have love in their hearts will remain in the 3rd dimension and the reincarnation loop until they are ready to evolve also.

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