Thursday, September 29, 2011


From the topics I've been coming across lately, the one that seems to have the most importance is the ascension. Here are the "facts" that I have come across:
  • On 11/11/11 will be the begining of the ascension process for planet Earth into the 5th dimension. What happened to the 4th dimnesion? We are "skipping" that step to expediate our ascension. Zaraya from Hollow Earth tells us that our planet is currently in the 4th dimension, as are many of us. 
  • Why 11/11? From what I'm gathering, time is just an illusion. Everything we experience is a product of our collective consciousness. We are actually replaying the same day over and over and over again, every day a new one as we play out time in our minds. The dates mean nothing, but the math involved with the numbers is meaningful. 
  • On 12/21/12, we will cross the galaxy's central sun and will be hit with the photon belt. The planet will  split into two timelines, the ascended earth as well as a catastrophic earth. The material world, and negative energies, will be splitting from an enlightened world and its positive energies. 
  • Not everyone will ascend, only those whose vibrations are high enough. If you are over 50% positive you will ascend.  On 21/21/12, everyone who is supposed to ascend but hasn't yet will be catapulted into ascension. 
  • When you ascend to the 5th dimension, you blink out of existence to those who are in the 3rd and 4th dimensions. Your energy will vibrate so high that they will not be able to see you.
  • Why do all the enlightened teachers talk about the earth changes so lightly? Because they're not going to be here for the catastrophes and they want to help us so that we are not here either. We need to focus on the positive in order to evolve, and must not dwell on these things that must be. 
  • In order to ascend, you must let go of all that is material. As long as you cling to the 3d world, you will be holding yourself back. Only you have the power to save yourself. 
To help with the ascension, you need to try to rid your body from all negative energy. The best way to do this is emotional clearing, as well as chakra cleansing.  Emotional clearing is pinpointing the things that make you angry, or sad, upset, depressed. It is coming to the realization that these are all states created by yourself. It is why forgiveness is so important, most importantly forgiveness of yourself. Sometimes you may need to seek forgiveness from others in order to forgive yourself. When you are angry at others, or jealous, you will sometimes realize that the other person didn't do anything wrong, but it was your own perception that clouded your judgment and colored your emotions. We need to let go of all these negative energies that keep us from evolving into beings of light. Like in the Ancient Egyptian myths, you're soul must be lighter than a feather. That's what enlightenment is all about. 

One way to work through emotional clearing is by meditation and cleansing your chakras.  It will help in pinpointing where you have energy blocks.  Once you've cleared your emotions and cleansed your chakras, energy will flow through you again and you will be in direct communication with your higher self, or your crown chakra, through kundalini. 

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