Sunday, October 2, 2011

The 7 Chakras

The 7 chakras are the basically the components of our spiritual selves. There is a coil that rises like a serpent from the base, or root chakra, which allows our energy to flow from bottom to top. When it rises to the 6th chakra, your third eye opens, and at the 7th chakra you have opened up the link to your higher self, or the real you. In these material bodies we have now, we are only a fraction of who we really are.

To allow the energy to flow through the chakras, they need to be in a straight line which is why the Lotus position is recommended, but you could also sit in a chair kitchen type chair with your back straight. It is like a garden hose: if its all bent out of shape, the water won't run through smoothly. Once you're chakras are in good shape, you will be able to tap into the cosmic energy that flows in through the top, crown chakra. Your subconscious will have merged with your consciousness, and you will receive messages freely from your own guides and higher self without the help of a psychic. You also need to have this energy flowing freely in order for the Merkabah, or light ship, to function. Reading about it an Automatic Writing book inspired me to put this post together.

The 7 chakras are:

  1. Root - At the base of the tail bone. Bright red sphere slowly pulsating with energy. This chakra helps ground you when you feel flighty or unable to concentrate. Signs its not functioning properly: irritable bowels, spastic colon, chronic stomach upsets, yo-yo weight, joint pain or stiffness, inability to concentrate, difficulty waking up. 
  2. Navel - Just below the navel. Sphere of orange energetic light. Can be activated when you feel overly emotional or need to summon extra will power. Signs its not functioning properly: hormone imbalances, mood swings, eating disorders, sexual dysfunction, lower body infections, infertility, fungal infections, prostate troubles. 
  3. Solar Plexus - At center of the Solar Plexus, pit of the stomach. Vibrant yellow sphere. When operating at peak efficiency, helps translate will into action and helps you to express your masculine side. Signs its not functioning properly: chronic indigestion, gastritis, ulcers, hot flashes, violent outbursts or tantrums, paranoia, blood disorders, diabetes, stress-related problems and excessive greed. 
  4. Heart Center - Middle of the breast bone. Rich green sphere that enables you to give and accept love and easily express your feminine side. Signs its not functioning properly: repeating dysfunctional relationships, allergies, heart problems, jealousy, frequent emotional outbursts, high or low blood pressure. 
  5. Throat - Center of the hollow of the throat. Bright true blue sphere that throbs at the speed of light. Governs our speech and communication and can be energized to help us in creative endeavors. Signs its not functioning properly: chronic sore throats or hoarseness, ringing in the ears, tonsillitis, psychosis, verbal abusiveness, Tourettes Syndrome, writer's block. 
  6. Third Eye - Between and above the eyes. A sphere of rich deep indigo. Helps with many psychic endeavors since it governs the ability to see both the inner and outer planes of being. Signs its not functioning properly: persistent vision problems, sleep disorders, snoring, nightmares, migraines, dental problems, poltergeist activities. 
  7. Crown - Just above the head. A vivid violet sphere pulsating faster than the speed of light. The place where the higher self resides and a tool for spiritual growth, and used for study, astral projection, meditation, and creative dreaming. Signs its not functioning properly: dogmatism, smugness, depression, forgetfulness, loneliness, chemical imbalances, Parkinson's Disease, learning disorders, severe neurological disorders, memory loss, and most cancers. 
Steps in the Chakra Cleansing/Balancing Exercise
My source for this exercise says that cleansing should require about 45 mins, but I can't do that due to a busy family life.  You can do it lying down in your bed at night if you want, or take a few minutes here and there to practice it.  The important part, to me at least, is that you are attempting to better yourself, and not giving up to inaction.
  1. Sit with your spine as straight as possible. 
  2. Allow your eyes to close.
  3. Breathe deeply and relax.  Best way to breathe is in through the nose, and out the mouth. Breathe with your diaphrahm, not your chest. 
  4. Achieve a light meditative state. 
  5. Bring down the creative energy from the universe high above you. Visualize a white light. 
  6. Energize the Chakras one by one, starting with the crown chakra.
  7. Feel each one open.
  8. Sense or "see" any dark spots.
  9. Cleanse each chakra. 
  10. Focus most strongly on those relating to any illnesses.
  11. Flood each chakra with fresh energy and color.
  12. Visualize them all working at peak efficiency.
  13. Close or partially close any chakras you need to close. 
  14. Ground or return unused energy as desired.
  15. Spend a moment re-orienting your consciousness.
  16. Open your eyes. 
Source: How To Do Automatic Writing by Edain McCoy (1957)

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