Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hollow Earth Theory

The Hollow Earth is probably one of our world's best kept secrets. It's impossible, you say? Saying the Earth is hollow is like being in the 1600s saying that the world is not flat, and the sun revolves around us! Also, let's consider past "myths" and how people were worried that if they sailed too far they would go right over the edge of the Earth.

If the Hollow Earth is a viable theory, wouldn't our scientists say so? Most of what we are taught in science programs is what our government wants us to know. The Hollow Earth is in fact a military secret, one that is on a  need to know basis. The Hollow Earth is a place of untapped natural beauty and unlimited richness, and our corrupt government is hell-bent on conquest and world domination. Have you ever read the log of Christopher Columbus when he discovered America? It is quite eye opening; he was merely following the scent of gold. If given the chance, our governments would exploit the Hollow Earth and only throw us the scraps once they were done with it. Do you really think they changed that much in 500 years?

The peoples of the Hollow Earth are far more advanced than us, both technologically and spiritually, for lack of a better word. To enter their world, you must be enlightened enough and be filled with love, peace and harmony. If you are not peaceful and wishing harmony, you will not be allowed to enter, and that is why our government has failed. People who wish to exploit are forbidden. Now, if you knew that there was such a paradise here on Earth, why would you stick around to be governed by them? We wouldn't! Our governments would not be able to control and fiscally enslave us if we were gone!

The crust of Mother Earth is in fact 800 miles thick, with the center of gravity 400 miles down.  The closer you get to the center of gravity, the less gravity will affect you. 400 miles into the crust is where you'll find pockets of magma, which is not spread out globally as our science has led us to believe. Inside our Earth you will find the central sun, a glowing ball of pure consciousness that is 600 miles in diameter. There is no molten core. It glows blue, and we would understand it as cold fusion in scientific terms. It heats the Hollow Earth and keeps the temperature at a constant 73-76oF. The weather is always nice because it is in total harmony. There is sunlight, photosynthesis, and forests. Gravity in the Hollow Earth is a 1/3 of what it is here. You would not only weigh a third of what you weigh here, but you would also be much taller. Strawberries grow to the size of cantaloupes and trees 2900 feet high!

When the Earth was created, there was just the central sun, this sphere of pure consciousness. As the solar system formed, matter collected around it forming it's shell, or crust. All planets in our solar system are also hollow with peoples living inside. In time, our souls have left the one greater one to descend in vibration in order to experience the dualities that a physical life offers. There is a North Polar opening as well as a South Polar opening. The magnetic energy of our planet flows into the North and comes out of the South. You will find the entrance to the North Polar opening at 87.7N latitude, 142.2E longitude, well above Point Barrow, Alaska.

There are many civilizations that live within the crust of our planet, not only inside the hollow portion. Many caves and tunnels lead to some of their cities. Inside the Hollow Earth, you will find the great cities of Agartha and Shamballa, and even the city of Eden, which we knew as the Garden of Eden. The peoples who live in the Hollow Earth are 5th dimensional beings. The 12 Lost Tribes of Israel have settled here. Many other people have found their way their through the caves and have simply decided not to return. It is said that Admiral Byrd is there, as well as Amelia Earhart and the crew of the Challenger space craft. To know whether a cave opening leads to the Hollow Earth, the needle on a compass will spin as though you were at the North Pole.

Beneath our feet there lives at least 7 different types of races. There are gnomes, elves, leprechauns, and blue skinned people. Then there are the Agarthians, the Hollow Earth people. There are reptilians, not the bad race but the good ones. Races from all over the universe live here, just not the malevolent ones. Everything is built in and around nature, and there is no need to wear shoes.

No one dies in the Hollow Earth, and everyone is in perfect health. Inside, you will also find animals that are now extinct on the surface.There are all sorts of dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures, as well as mythical creatures. You will find tyranasaurus rex as well as unicorns. They all live in total peace and harmony, none of them eating meat. There are no predators. Creatures and plants alike all communicate at will through telepathy. You are not required to eat as the atmosphere gives you all the nourishment you need.

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