Monday, October 3, 2011

Chakra 2 - Navel/Sacral Chakra


Chakra: Svadhisthana, the Navel/Sacral chakra
Color: Orange
Stones: Amber. Coral, Carnelian.
Planets: Moon.
Relates to: Creativity, Sexuality, Sensual Drive, Reproduction, Relationships, Emotion, Learning to "Let Go." Inner Child Issues.
Element: Water
Mantra: Vam
Meditation: I feel. 
Inner State: Stillness and Stability 
Sense: Taste

The second chakra is the navel chakra or sacral chakra, and it's located in the navel area right below your belly button in the lower abdomen, genitals and womb. It is considered the sexual chakra. It can be visualized as a sphere of orange energetic light.  It is connected to change and how you deal with it, and helps balance giving and receiving. A main force of this chakra is that it governs the attraction of opposites. It also affects how your emotions work, how well you control yourself, addictions, how well you can use your brain for things like making decisions, your skills, as well as your ability to handle sexual relationships and how creative you may be. All these things control your perceptions of reality. It teaches us that there is more to life’s relationships than just accepting or rejecting something or someone.

Balanced Chakra
A balanced navel chakra is associated with sexual vitality, pleasure, and procreation. You will be outgoing, patient, and have a good sense of humor.  You will be comfortable with your sexuality and content with yourself. You will find it easier to be positive and enjoy life.  It allows you to go with the flow and alter your path as necessary. When this Chakra's energy is balanced you will be in touch with your own emotions and be trusting towards others. It also helps with the assimilation of knowledge since your brain receives information and stores it.  You will not feel like a victim because you will be in charge of your own emotions. You may also enjoy a more fulfilling sex life.

Blocked Chakra
It your navel chakra is imbalanced, it could affect the urinary, reproductive and circulatory systems. Impotence, sexually transmitted diseases, lower back pain, constipation and bladder problems could be a sign that this chakra needs some attention.  You may have have difficult with giving or receiving materially or emotionally .It can also cause emotional distress, cloudy mental thinking, and apathy. Obesity could be a lack of balance between giving and receiving. You may feel guilt, anxiety, unpredictable, and clingy. General low energy or lack of creativity can also be connected to this chakra. Flirting outrageously or using sex to gain attention is another sign this chakra is off balance. A person may become trapped in a pattern of seeking excessive sensual pleasure.

Related Organs
The naval chakra concerns the abdominal, reproductive and urinary systems. It is in charge of your sexual organs, lower portion of the spine, large intestines and the bladder. Liver, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, and adrenal glands are also related to the navel chakra.

Massage can help you let go of old emotions. Rolfing is a form of massage that can release memories from body tissue. It is deep and can be cathartic. But there are also gentler forms of massage that can release emotions for those who prefer a softer approach. Pranayama can help in letting go of emotions, especially with long exhalations.  You may also want to try pelvic thrusts, or circular pelvic movements. When mediating in the Lotus position, place your hands in your lap, palms up, on top of each other with your left hand underneath, its palm touching the back of the fingers of the right hand with the tips of the thumbs touch gently.

How To Open Chakras -
Learning About Chakras -
Eclectic Energies | Opening the Chakras -
Major Chakras -
The Book of Yoga, by Christina Brown (2002)

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