Sunday, October 2, 2011

Chakra 1 - Root Chakra


Chakra: Muladhara, the Root chakra
Color: Red
Stones: Ruby. Garnet, Onyx, Obscidian.
Planets: Earth, Saturn
Relates to: Stability, Survival, Basic Needs, Material Drive, Elimination, Kundalini Energy, Instinct. Sex, Money, Power.
Element: Earth
Mantra: Lam
Meditation: I am. 
Inner State: Stillness and Stability 
Sense: Smell

The first chakra is the root chakra, and it's located at the base of the tail bone. It can be visualized as a bright red sphere slowly pulsating with energy. This is the chakra that links you to the physical world; it is the most physical of all the chakras. It's spiritual lesson is of the material world. It is concerned with getting your basic needs met of food, shelter, and even love. It must be the first chakra balanced in order to provide a solid foundation for the others. 

Balanced Chakra
Activating this chakra will help ground you when you feel flighty or unable to concentrate. Balancing it will give energy to the physical body and control fears.  It will give you more self-confidence, enthusiasm, a strong will to live and a clear sense of identity.  You will be more cheerful with a more fearless and courageous attitude. Trust comes more easily.  It will give you better health in related organs and make you feel more secure in everything you do. It grounds you to the earth, and allows you to operate better in our every day world. It is the driving force behind the energy to work.  You will also be able to detach yourself from the over-emphasis on physical things. You will be focused on work, but not to the point of ignoring other parts of your life. Material success can come to you more easily.

Blocked Chakra
If your root chakra is blocked, you will go from being grounded to not grounded at all. You will feel like you have less energy, and you may also feel restless.  You may have an inability to concentrate, or difficulty waking up. Your emotions may be all over the place, and you may be overly selfish, controlling, stubborn and aggressive. You could also be an workaholic; a balanced chakra is neither at one end of the spectrum nor the other. 

Related Organs
The organs related to the root chakra are those of elimination and excretion such as the lungs, kidneys, large intestine and rectum.  If its out of balance you may experience problems with the lower abdominal area such as diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, kidney problems, sciatica, and back pain. You might have irritable bowels, a spastic colon, chronic stomach upsets, eating disorders, joint pain or stiffness, 

To activate your root chakra, you could try doing some physical exercises that will make you use your body and be aware of it. It can be as simple as stomping your feet, marching, or doing squats. The root chakra is also awakened when you confront your fears related to survival and stability. Get enough sleep every day, and take the time to rest if you are tired. Massages will help you ground, particularly a nice foot massage. Make sure you eat regularly, and don't skip meals.  When meditation in the Lotus position, let the tips of your thumb and index finger touch.

How To Open Chakras -
Learning About Chakras -
Eclectic Energies | Opening the Chakras -
Major Chakras -
The Book of Yoga, by Christina Brown (2002)

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