Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Chakra 3 - Solar Plexus

Will Power

Chakra: Manipura, the Solar Plexus
Color: Yellow
Stones: Gold. Amber, Topaz, Citrine.
Planets: Mars, Helios (sun)
Relates To: Power, Will, Action, Digestion. Mental Functioning, Control, and Freedom of Oneself. Survival Issues.
Element: Fire
Mantra: Ram
Meditation: I do.
Inner State: Laughter, Joy, Anger
Sense: Sight

The third chakra is located at center of the Solar Plexus, or the pit of the stomach. It is a vibrant yellow sphere. Balancing this chakra is important for calming emotions and frustrations, easing tension, and better utilizing intuition. It is in charge of your sense of self, where your self-esteem and will power come from, and is the center of personal power. It can help you meditate and clean out negative thoughts. It is related to feelings of being thirsty or hungry. It's lesson is your acceptance of your place in the life stream.

Balanced Chakra
When operating at peak efficiency, the solar plexus chakra helps translate will into action and helps you to express your masculine side. You will have a personal sense of value, and will have confidence in yourself. People will know you as honorable and trust worthy. When the solar plexus is open, you have found your unique gift, the work that gives you pleasure and makes you feel fulfilled. One way to find your gift is to consider what you most enjoyed doing when you were a child; this will give you clues about your natural inclinations.

Blocked Chakra
Signs its not functioning properly are chronic indigestion, gastritis, ulcers, hot flashes, blood disorders, diabetes, arthritis, stress-related problems and excessive greed.  You might fear others and be paranoid, with violent outbursts or tantrums. You could have low self esteem and fear of rejection. You could have no energy, and not care about anything.

Related Organs
The parts of the body affected are the navel, small intestine, pancreas, gall bladder, digestive system, kidney and the liver.

Dancing is a great way to activate the solar plexus. You could also try jogging and power walking. Laughing and exercise will help you release suppressed emotions. Ask yourself how you can use your will and less and less effort to achieve your goals. When mediating in the Lotus position, place your hands in front your stomach, slightly below your solar plexus. Let your fingers join at the tops, all pointing away from you, and cross your thumbs. It is important that your fingers are straight.

How To Open Chakras - http://howtoopenchakras.com/
Learning About Chakras - http://healing.about.com/cs/chakras/a/learnchakras.htm
Eclectic Energies | Opening the Chakras - http://www.eclecticenergies.com/chakras/open.php
Major Chakras - http://www.wingmakers.co.nz/Chakras.html
The Book of Yoga, by Christina Brown (2002)

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