Monday, January 31, 2011

Archons and Gnostics

Looks like today's post is going to be religion related again. I was browsing a website and have been coming up with a couple interviews and documents. This one is really interesting:

Rise of the Archons

Here are my favorite quotes from it:
  • People don’t realise that, 2,000 years ago, there was a religion on this planet called Gnosticism, which was the biggest religion on earth at the time, was vying with Hinduism. You could go take a university course on the history of religions now and wouldn’t even find a mention of Gnosticism. The Nag Hammadi texts provide a description for what the Gnostics believed
  • The Gnostics thought that Jehovah was an alien, off planet, demon and that he was a fake god – a masquerading Archon again - duplicating reality.  
  • They were jealous of us because we have an essence of some kind, a soul, that they don’t possess.
  • We must realize that we can tell which ideas are the truest by how much they are repressed. When they are suppressing an idea, a language, or individuals [or a way of being] you know you have accessed the truth or that individual is portraying the truth. The Gnostics were completely wiped out. 
  • I believe many of the stories of Jesus are actually Gnostic myths about a possible rebellion against the Archons who came down very severely on the rebel. 
  • They were incredibly advanced people and the undertow of this one war-god religion spread across the entire world and now it’s going to burn itself up in a conflagration where all the Jehovah worshiping religions are going to murder each other – which has always been the point.
  • I really hate to say this but we have all been fooled. The whole idea that some kind of messiah is going to come to save us is an Archon trick to make you think you don’t have to do anything about your present situation, no accountability.
  • When you begin to look back, you realize the early Christian, from the time of Jesus to the time of Constantine in 310 AD, they were preaching that they did not worship Jehovah; they worshiped the one true God. It could be argued that the early Christians were actually Gnostic followers of Jesus instead of what we, today, call Christians. The entire New Testament was completely rewritten by Constantine and all of the information on the Archons was removed and the ideas of Jehovah being a cruel god were lessened. This is a fact.
  • The Gnostics believed that there were advanced beings who actually care for us and that there was a bet or forecast made that the advanced beings’ creation i.e. human beings, would one day stop falling for the tricks of the Archons and wake up and they provided avenues for this to happen. One thing that is certain is that the Archons hate more than anything after love is courage.  
  • The thing that will solve the Archon dilemma more than anything is to love each other unconditionally.
  • Even scholars who know about the Archons are very afraid to talk about them in public because you attract Archonic energy by even mentioning them but, at this late stage in the game, we have to start thinking about who is fooling us and why they are doing it – and study what the ancients had to say about all of it.  
  • We are heading towards a conflagration, as you say, there’s no question about it. When and how, we don’t yet know but please do prepare. We’re talking about food, protection, common sense, growing your own food.

I have looked into some of the gnostic books in the past, but Christian sites claim that they are all fakes.

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