Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ramblings of an Old Goat

I've been thinking about starting this blog for a while now.  I want to post the things I discover, my journey if you will, on my quest for the truth.  New information is presented to me all the time and I feel like I should post them somewhere as I come across them.  I occasionally feel compelled to do some research, or things come up in the news, all pointing towards the truth.  I will post here whenever I feel that I have found something worthy of sharing.

There has been a lot of talk about 2012 and what it actually has in store for us.  I've been watching too many videos on youtube, surfing too many crazy websites.  This is going to be a collection of thoughts and findings pointing towards the truth of ourselves and what's in store for us. I've always tried to be normal, tried to fit in, but I understand now that I am not like others and that I will never be.  I have learned to love and trust myself.

I don't see myself as a sheep. I've always seen myself more of a shepherd, here to help lead the way to those who want to be helped. I've always wanted to help people.  Love is the most important thing in my life and I want to teach it to others.

I have chosen the alias Old Goat because my sun sign is Capricorn, and so is my moon sign and I've always felt that its description was right on the money for me. I say Old because I believe that I am an old soul, even though I am still fairly young in this life. These are my ramblings that I share with you, because people don't care for this type of info unless they are seeking the truth, and practically everyone around me is not.

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