Saturday, January 29, 2011


I recently watched a very interesting movie that I streamed on Netflix called Bloodline: Bloodline movie on Netflix

The important points from this movie are the following:
  • Jesus died 22 days later than they say he did.  
  • He disappeared from the tomb because Mary carried him out.
  • Mary and Jesus were in fact married, and had children.
  • The Church has Prieure de Sion members who know the truth.
  • They don't believe the world is ready for the news and are willing to hide this at all costs.
  • Mary Magdelene is buried in Rennes de Chateau in France. Jesus is possibly buried there also.
  • Jesus's bloodline continued in France. 2000 years later, anyone with any ancestors in France may have some blood of Christ coursing through their veins. 
The significance of all these is that the church made Jesus out to be more of a God than a man, and for him to have loved a woman and have children would make him more of a man.  The church seeks power, and control, and so they had to make sure that whatever they indoctrinated could not be disputed so it was important to get rid of "heretics" and evidence.

It is my strong belief that they used Jesus to gain power when they saw that their old ways were not working anymore. They tell us that reincarnation cannot be because if you knew that if you died you would just be coming back, they could not use fear of death to control you.

It is interesting that one woman interviewed in this movie said that perhaps the second coming of Christ was actually this renewed knowledge of Jesus, not that he would actually be coming back.  The mystics think the second coming of Christ actually may be many of us entering Christ Consciousness, and this amazing energy will be working through all of us.

I believe that there are lots of signs of aliens in the bible and that they wove in Jesus because they saw how powerful his influence was.  They are using him to continue breeding us and keep us under their control, physically. To willingly give up our free will to them, consenting prisoners.  I believe in Jesus, he was a good man.  His message was one of love and unity.  The church has not done that, they persecuted and still tell people today what they should think.

I am going all over the place here. It is late.  I will be back eventually to talk more about certain points I touched on and to post about other things I've come across.

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