Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Chakra 7 - Crown Chakra


Chakra: Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra
Color: Violet. White, gold or yellow.
Stones: Amethyst. Diamond, quartz crystal.
Planets: Uranus.
Relates to: Understanding, spiritual connection and integration of the whole, oneness. Formless supreme light.
Element: Cosmic Energy
Mantra: Ng
Meditation: I understand.
Inner State: Bliss.
Sense: Thought.

The Crown chakra is located just above your head. It is a a vivid violet sphere pulsating faster than the speed of light. This is the place where the higher self resides and is also a tool for spiritual growth. It is the gateway to your higher consciousness. It stands for freedom, wisdom and enlightenment, and can bring you a sense of understanding. It can be used for study, astral projection, meditation, and creative dreaming. It is a symbol of purity and spirituality. It is a very important chakra as it helps balance the other chakras. It is also connected with joy, faith, peace and beauty, as well as a person's morals, values and ethics. Its lesson is spirituality, and living in the Now.

Balanced Chakra
You will understand things better, and have a connection to your own divine being. You will be joyful and attracted to spiritual things. You will have a high sense of creativity.  You may even be a miracle worker, transcending the laws of nature. You will have total access to your conscious self as well as your subconscious.

Blocked Chakra
Signs your crown chakra is not functioning properly are dogmatism, smugness, depression, forgetfulness, loneliness, chemical imbalances, Parkinson's Disease, dementia, learning disorders, severe neurological disorders, memory loss, and most cancers.You will be unhappy and have no concern for other people's feelings. You might be psychotic, distant, and destructive. You may feel misunderstood or that you have no purpose in life.

Related Organs
The crown chakra is related to the skull, cerebral cortex, skin, right brain and right eye, and your nervous, muscular and skeletal systems.

The best way to stimulate the crown chakra is through prayer and meditation. When meditating in the Lotus position, place your hands in front of you stomach. Let your ring fingers point up, and the other fingers crossing each other with the left thumb underneath the right. Concentrate on the crown chakra at the top of your head while chanting the mantra Ng.  Make sure you have a strong root chakra before attempting to activate the crown chakra as you need a strong foundation first!

How To Open Chakras -
Learning About Chakras -
Eclectic Energies | Opening the Chakras -
Major Chakras -
The Book of Yoga, by Christina Brown (2002)

Chakra 6 - Third Eye


Chakra: Ajna, the Brow Chakra, or Third Eye
Color: Indigo.
Stones: Lapis lazuli, Iolite, Azurite, Sodalite, Sapphire.
Planets: Jupiter.
Relates to: Psychic abilities. Action of ideas, insight, mind development, intellect.
Element: Electrical or telepathic
Mantra: Om or Aum
Meditation: I see.
Inner State: I know.
Sense: Thought

Sometimes called the brow chakra, the third eye is located between and above the eyes. It is a a sphere of rich deep indigo. The third eye helps with many psychic endeavors since it governs the ability to see both the inner and outer planes of being. Its connected to your sense of thinking clearly, as well as your imagination, intuition, insight, wisdom and awareness. Not only does it help you make decisions, but helps differentiate reality from fantasy. If your third eye is exceptionally strong, you may have psychic abilities. Its lesson is understanding, reality check points, detachment and open mind.

Balanced Chakra
If your third eye is balanced, you will see yourself and your path in the universe clearly. You will have psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, telepathy, or perhaps even able to see ghosts and inter-dimensional beings.You will be very creative with a very healthy imagination. You may be open minded, and see your past, present and future very clearly. You will not fear death, and will not need another person to complete yourself.

Blocked Chakra
Signs the third eye is not functioning properly are persistent vision problems, deafness, sleep disorders, snoring, nightmares, migraines, dental problems, and possibly even poltergeist activities.You may be unable to concentrate, suffer for brain problems such as tumors or strokes. You may have nightmares, panic attacks or just a general sense of confusion. Some people will be proud, cynical and egotistical, and will manipulate others without any care. You may fear the truth.

Related Organs
The brow chakra controls the carotid artery, forehead, brain, neurological system, eyes, pineal gland, ears, nose, pituitary gland and temples.

You may try activating your brow chakra through visualization, attempting remote viewing and lucid dreaming. While meditating in the Lotus position, place your hands in front of the lower part of you chest and have your middle fingers point straight up, tips touching and point forward. The other fingers are bent forward and touching from the second knuckle to the tip of the finger. Have your thumbs touching at the tops and pointing towards you. Concentrate on the third eye while chanting the Aum mantra.

How To Open Chakras -
Learning About Chakras -
Eclectic Energies | Opening the Chakras -
Major Chakras -
The Book of Yoga, by Christina Brown (2002)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Chakra 5 - Throat Chakra


Chakra: Vishuddha, the Throat Chakra
Color: Bright, Sky Blue
Stones: Sodalite, Blue Lace, Agate, Lapis Luzuli. 
Planets: Mercury and Neptune. 
Relates to: Speech, self expression, spiritual drive. Communication, truth and creativity.
Element: Air / Ether
Mantra: Ham. 
Meditation: I speak. 
Inner State: Synthesis of ideas into symbols. 
Sense: Hearing

The Heart Chakra is located at the center of the hollow of the throat and the neck region. It is a bright true blue sphere that throbs at the speed of light. The heart chakra governs our speech and communication and can be energized to help us in our creative projects and undertakings. It rules our abilities for communication, creativity and personal intentions, as this is where we speak our truths.  It relates to our abilities of hearing, speaking and seeing. It refers to our oral communication as well as body language. It helps us speak our inner truth, and helps us make good decisions and coming up with good ideas. Its lessons are confession, surrendering your own personal drive to divine will,  faith that all that is meant to be will be, and truthfulness. 

Balanced Chakra
If you  heart chakra is balanced, you will be able to think clearly, listen carefully, as well as being empathetic. You will be able to express yourself clearly and have a good self-esteem of yourself, perhaps be artistic and just generally a good speaker.  Not only will you be able to direct others, but you will have a fairly good control in your every day life. You will be more charismatic, and you will be able to communicate easily and honestly with tact. 

Blocked Chakra
Signs its not functioning properly are that you won't be able to communicate well. You will  cases, you will have chronic sore throats or hoarseness, mouth ulcers, ringing in the ears, tonsillitis, psychosis, verbal abusiveness, Tourettes Syndrome, criticism, or even writer's block. You could have scoliosis of the spine, thyroid problems, and problems with your gum or teeth, or unable to use knowledge wisely.  You won't be able to speak up for yourself, and stand up for yourself, or may not even know how to react well in normal situations. Not speaking your truth may result as laryngitis, for example. You might suffer from insomnia, anger or cancer. You might be arrogant, self-righteous, or talk to much. You may also use money or sex to control people. 

Related Organs
The throat chakra governs the throat, mouth, ears, thyroid gland, arms and hands. 

When mediating in the Lotus position, place your hands in front your stomach, slightly below your solar plexus. Let your thumbs join at the top, and cross your fingers on the inside below them. The thumbs should point towards you. Concentrate on your throat chakra at the base of the throat.

How To Open Chakras -
Learning About Chakras -
Eclectic Energies | Opening the Chakras -
Major Chakras -
The Book of Yoga, by Christina Brown (2002)

Chakra 4 - Heart Chakra


Chakra: Anahata, the Heart Center
Color: Green.
Stones: Emerald. Pink and Green stones. Jade, Moss Agate, Malachite. Tourmaline.
Planets: Venus
Relates to: Emotional empowerment. Love, balance and compassion. Respiration.
Element: Air
Mantra: Yam
Meditation: I love.
Inner State: Compassion.
Sense: Touch

The fourth chakra is the Heart chakra and it is located near the middle of the breast bone, just right of your physical heart. It is a rich green sphere, and it enables you to give and accept love and easily express your feminine side. It is where the emotion of love comes from as well as other positive energies such as joy, happiness, integrity, respect, understanding and generosity.  It is the symbol of spiritual security and healing. Its lesson is forgiveness, unconditional love, letting go, trust, and compassion. It also affects universal oneness.

Balanced Chakra
A balanced Heart chakra makes you compassionate and generous, an empathetic humanitarian. You will be considerate towards others, and honor respect, happiness and joy for yourself as well as others. You will love people around you more easily and have good relationships. You will have the ability to wait for the right partner. 

Blocked Chakra
Signs its not functioning properly are repeating dysfunctional relationships, jealousy, frequent emotional outbursts, high or low blood pressure, allergies, and heart problems. You might find it difficult to love yourself, let alone others. You may be cold and unfeeling, perhaps with feelings of guilt and hatred. You might be paranoid and let your emotions rule you, or feel like you are unworthy of love. You might also withhold love to get a desired behavior from people.

Related Organs
The heart chakra rules the heart, circulatory and respiratory systems, diaphragm, ribs, chest, as well as arms, shoulders, hands and thymus gland. It is related to AIDs as well as different types of cancers, particularly breast cancer.

When meditating, sit cross legged and let the tips of your index finger touch the thumb. Place your left hand on your left knee, and your right hand over your heart. Focus on your heart.

How To Open Chakras -
Learning About Chakras -
Eclectic Energies | Opening the Chakras -
Major Chakras -
The Book of Yoga, by Christina Brown (2002)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hollow Earth Theory

The Hollow Earth is probably one of our world's best kept secrets. It's impossible, you say? Saying the Earth is hollow is like being in the 1600s saying that the world is not flat, and the sun revolves around us! Also, let's consider past "myths" and how people were worried that if they sailed too far they would go right over the edge of the Earth.

If the Hollow Earth is a viable theory, wouldn't our scientists say so? Most of what we are taught in science programs is what our government wants us to know. The Hollow Earth is in fact a military secret, one that is on a  need to know basis. The Hollow Earth is a place of untapped natural beauty and unlimited richness, and our corrupt government is hell-bent on conquest and world domination. Have you ever read the log of Christopher Columbus when he discovered America? It is quite eye opening; he was merely following the scent of gold. If given the chance, our governments would exploit the Hollow Earth and only throw us the scraps once they were done with it. Do you really think they changed that much in 500 years?

The peoples of the Hollow Earth are far more advanced than us, both technologically and spiritually, for lack of a better word. To enter their world, you must be enlightened enough and be filled with love, peace and harmony. If you are not peaceful and wishing harmony, you will not be allowed to enter, and that is why our government has failed. People who wish to exploit are forbidden. Now, if you knew that there was such a paradise here on Earth, why would you stick around to be governed by them? We wouldn't! Our governments would not be able to control and fiscally enslave us if we were gone!

The crust of Mother Earth is in fact 800 miles thick, with the center of gravity 400 miles down.  The closer you get to the center of gravity, the less gravity will affect you. 400 miles into the crust is where you'll find pockets of magma, which is not spread out globally as our science has led us to believe. Inside our Earth you will find the central sun, a glowing ball of pure consciousness that is 600 miles in diameter. There is no molten core. It glows blue, and we would understand it as cold fusion in scientific terms. It heats the Hollow Earth and keeps the temperature at a constant 73-76oF. The weather is always nice because it is in total harmony. There is sunlight, photosynthesis, and forests. Gravity in the Hollow Earth is a 1/3 of what it is here. You would not only weigh a third of what you weigh here, but you would also be much taller. Strawberries grow to the size of cantaloupes and trees 2900 feet high!

When the Earth was created, there was just the central sun, this sphere of pure consciousness. As the solar system formed, matter collected around it forming it's shell, or crust. All planets in our solar system are also hollow with peoples living inside. In time, our souls have left the one greater one to descend in vibration in order to experience the dualities that a physical life offers. There is a North Polar opening as well as a South Polar opening. The magnetic energy of our planet flows into the North and comes out of the South. You will find the entrance to the North Polar opening at 87.7N latitude, 142.2E longitude, well above Point Barrow, Alaska.

There are many civilizations that live within the crust of our planet, not only inside the hollow portion. Many caves and tunnels lead to some of their cities. Inside the Hollow Earth, you will find the great cities of Agartha and Shamballa, and even the city of Eden, which we knew as the Garden of Eden. The peoples who live in the Hollow Earth are 5th dimensional beings. The 12 Lost Tribes of Israel have settled here. Many other people have found their way their through the caves and have simply decided not to return. It is said that Admiral Byrd is there, as well as Amelia Earhart and the crew of the Challenger space craft. To know whether a cave opening leads to the Hollow Earth, the needle on a compass will spin as though you were at the North Pole.

Beneath our feet there lives at least 7 different types of races. There are gnomes, elves, leprechauns, and blue skinned people. Then there are the Agarthians, the Hollow Earth people. There are reptilians, not the bad race but the good ones. Races from all over the universe live here, just not the malevolent ones. Everything is built in and around nature, and there is no need to wear shoes.

No one dies in the Hollow Earth, and everyone is in perfect health. Inside, you will also find animals that are now extinct on the surface.There are all sorts of dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures, as well as mythical creatures. You will find tyranasaurus rex as well as unicorns. They all live in total peace and harmony, none of them eating meat. There are no predators. Creatures and plants alike all communicate at will through telepathy. You are not required to eat as the atmosphere gives you all the nourishment you need.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Chakra 3 - Solar Plexus

Will Power

Chakra: Manipura, the Solar Plexus
Color: Yellow
Stones: Gold. Amber, Topaz, Citrine.
Planets: Mars, Helios (sun)
Relates To: Power, Will, Action, Digestion. Mental Functioning, Control, and Freedom of Oneself. Survival Issues.
Element: Fire
Mantra: Ram
Meditation: I do.
Inner State: Laughter, Joy, Anger
Sense: Sight

The third chakra is located at center of the Solar Plexus, or the pit of the stomach. It is a vibrant yellow sphere. Balancing this chakra is important for calming emotions and frustrations, easing tension, and better utilizing intuition. It is in charge of your sense of self, where your self-esteem and will power come from, and is the center of personal power. It can help you meditate and clean out negative thoughts. It is related to feelings of being thirsty or hungry. It's lesson is your acceptance of your place in the life stream.

Balanced Chakra
When operating at peak efficiency, the solar plexus chakra helps translate will into action and helps you to express your masculine side. You will have a personal sense of value, and will have confidence in yourself. People will know you as honorable and trust worthy. When the solar plexus is open, you have found your unique gift, the work that gives you pleasure and makes you feel fulfilled. One way to find your gift is to consider what you most enjoyed doing when you were a child; this will give you clues about your natural inclinations.

Blocked Chakra
Signs its not functioning properly are chronic indigestion, gastritis, ulcers, hot flashes, blood disorders, diabetes, arthritis, stress-related problems and excessive greed.  You might fear others and be paranoid, with violent outbursts or tantrums. You could have low self esteem and fear of rejection. You could have no energy, and not care about anything.

Related Organs
The parts of the body affected are the navel, small intestine, pancreas, gall bladder, digestive system, kidney and the liver.

Dancing is a great way to activate the solar plexus. You could also try jogging and power walking. Laughing and exercise will help you release suppressed emotions. Ask yourself how you can use your will and less and less effort to achieve your goals. When mediating in the Lotus position, place your hands in front your stomach, slightly below your solar plexus. Let your fingers join at the tops, all pointing away from you, and cross your thumbs. It is important that your fingers are straight.

How To Open Chakras -
Learning About Chakras -
Eclectic Energies | Opening the Chakras -
Major Chakras -
The Book of Yoga, by Christina Brown (2002)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Chakra 2 - Navel/Sacral Chakra


Chakra: Svadhisthana, the Navel/Sacral chakra
Color: Orange
Stones: Amber. Coral, Carnelian.
Planets: Moon.
Relates to: Creativity, Sexuality, Sensual Drive, Reproduction, Relationships, Emotion, Learning to "Let Go." Inner Child Issues.
Element: Water
Mantra: Vam
Meditation: I feel. 
Inner State: Stillness and Stability 
Sense: Taste

The second chakra is the navel chakra or sacral chakra, and it's located in the navel area right below your belly button in the lower abdomen, genitals and womb. It is considered the sexual chakra. It can be visualized as a sphere of orange energetic light.  It is connected to change and how you deal with it, and helps balance giving and receiving. A main force of this chakra is that it governs the attraction of opposites. It also affects how your emotions work, how well you control yourself, addictions, how well you can use your brain for things like making decisions, your skills, as well as your ability to handle sexual relationships and how creative you may be. All these things control your perceptions of reality. It teaches us that there is more to life’s relationships than just accepting or rejecting something or someone.

Balanced Chakra
A balanced navel chakra is associated with sexual vitality, pleasure, and procreation. You will be outgoing, patient, and have a good sense of humor.  You will be comfortable with your sexuality and content with yourself. You will find it easier to be positive and enjoy life.  It allows you to go with the flow and alter your path as necessary. When this Chakra's energy is balanced you will be in touch with your own emotions and be trusting towards others. It also helps with the assimilation of knowledge since your brain receives information and stores it.  You will not feel like a victim because you will be in charge of your own emotions. You may also enjoy a more fulfilling sex life.

Blocked Chakra
It your navel chakra is imbalanced, it could affect the urinary, reproductive and circulatory systems. Impotence, sexually transmitted diseases, lower back pain, constipation and bladder problems could be a sign that this chakra needs some attention.  You may have have difficult with giving or receiving materially or emotionally .It can also cause emotional distress, cloudy mental thinking, and apathy. Obesity could be a lack of balance between giving and receiving. You may feel guilt, anxiety, unpredictable, and clingy. General low energy or lack of creativity can also be connected to this chakra. Flirting outrageously or using sex to gain attention is another sign this chakra is off balance. A person may become trapped in a pattern of seeking excessive sensual pleasure.

Related Organs
The naval chakra concerns the abdominal, reproductive and urinary systems. It is in charge of your sexual organs, lower portion of the spine, large intestines and the bladder. Liver, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, and adrenal glands are also related to the navel chakra.

Massage can help you let go of old emotions. Rolfing is a form of massage that can release memories from body tissue. It is deep and can be cathartic. But there are also gentler forms of massage that can release emotions for those who prefer a softer approach. Pranayama can help in letting go of emotions, especially with long exhalations.  You may also want to try pelvic thrusts, or circular pelvic movements. When mediating in the Lotus position, place your hands in your lap, palms up, on top of each other with your left hand underneath, its palm touching the back of the fingers of the right hand with the tips of the thumbs touch gently.

How To Open Chakras -
Learning About Chakras -
Eclectic Energies | Opening the Chakras -
Major Chakras -
The Book of Yoga, by Christina Brown (2002)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Chakra 1 - Root Chakra


Chakra: Muladhara, the Root chakra
Color: Red
Stones: Ruby. Garnet, Onyx, Obscidian.
Planets: Earth, Saturn
Relates to: Stability, Survival, Basic Needs, Material Drive, Elimination, Kundalini Energy, Instinct. Sex, Money, Power.
Element: Earth
Mantra: Lam
Meditation: I am. 
Inner State: Stillness and Stability 
Sense: Smell

The first chakra is the root chakra, and it's located at the base of the tail bone. It can be visualized as a bright red sphere slowly pulsating with energy. This is the chakra that links you to the physical world; it is the most physical of all the chakras. It's spiritual lesson is of the material world. It is concerned with getting your basic needs met of food, shelter, and even love. It must be the first chakra balanced in order to provide a solid foundation for the others. 

Balanced Chakra
Activating this chakra will help ground you when you feel flighty or unable to concentrate. Balancing it will give energy to the physical body and control fears.  It will give you more self-confidence, enthusiasm, a strong will to live and a clear sense of identity.  You will be more cheerful with a more fearless and courageous attitude. Trust comes more easily.  It will give you better health in related organs and make you feel more secure in everything you do. It grounds you to the earth, and allows you to operate better in our every day world. It is the driving force behind the energy to work.  You will also be able to detach yourself from the over-emphasis on physical things. You will be focused on work, but not to the point of ignoring other parts of your life. Material success can come to you more easily.

Blocked Chakra
If your root chakra is blocked, you will go from being grounded to not grounded at all. You will feel like you have less energy, and you may also feel restless.  You may have an inability to concentrate, or difficulty waking up. Your emotions may be all over the place, and you may be overly selfish, controlling, stubborn and aggressive. You could also be an workaholic; a balanced chakra is neither at one end of the spectrum nor the other. 

Related Organs
The organs related to the root chakra are those of elimination and excretion such as the lungs, kidneys, large intestine and rectum.  If its out of balance you may experience problems with the lower abdominal area such as diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, kidney problems, sciatica, and back pain. You might have irritable bowels, a spastic colon, chronic stomach upsets, eating disorders, joint pain or stiffness, 

To activate your root chakra, you could try doing some physical exercises that will make you use your body and be aware of it. It can be as simple as stomping your feet, marching, or doing squats. The root chakra is also awakened when you confront your fears related to survival and stability. Get enough sleep every day, and take the time to rest if you are tired. Massages will help you ground, particularly a nice foot massage. Make sure you eat regularly, and don't skip meals.  When meditation in the Lotus position, let the tips of your thumb and index finger touch.

How To Open Chakras -
Learning About Chakras -
Eclectic Energies | Opening the Chakras -
Major Chakras -
The Book of Yoga, by Christina Brown (2002)

The 7 Chakras

The 7 chakras are the basically the components of our spiritual selves. There is a coil that rises like a serpent from the base, or root chakra, which allows our energy to flow from bottom to top. When it rises to the 6th chakra, your third eye opens, and at the 7th chakra you have opened up the link to your higher self, or the real you. In these material bodies we have now, we are only a fraction of who we really are.

To allow the energy to flow through the chakras, they need to be in a straight line which is why the Lotus position is recommended, but you could also sit in a chair kitchen type chair with your back straight. It is like a garden hose: if its all bent out of shape, the water won't run through smoothly. Once you're chakras are in good shape, you will be able to tap into the cosmic energy that flows in through the top, crown chakra. Your subconscious will have merged with your consciousness, and you will receive messages freely from your own guides and higher self without the help of a psychic. You also need to have this energy flowing freely in order for the Merkabah, or light ship, to function. Reading about it an Automatic Writing book inspired me to put this post together.

The 7 chakras are:

  1. Root - At the base of the tail bone. Bright red sphere slowly pulsating with energy. This chakra helps ground you when you feel flighty or unable to concentrate. Signs its not functioning properly: irritable bowels, spastic colon, chronic stomach upsets, yo-yo weight, joint pain or stiffness, inability to concentrate, difficulty waking up. 
  2. Navel - Just below the navel. Sphere of orange energetic light. Can be activated when you feel overly emotional or need to summon extra will power. Signs its not functioning properly: hormone imbalances, mood swings, eating disorders, sexual dysfunction, lower body infections, infertility, fungal infections, prostate troubles. 
  3. Solar Plexus - At center of the Solar Plexus, pit of the stomach. Vibrant yellow sphere. When operating at peak efficiency, helps translate will into action and helps you to express your masculine side. Signs its not functioning properly: chronic indigestion, gastritis, ulcers, hot flashes, violent outbursts or tantrums, paranoia, blood disorders, diabetes, stress-related problems and excessive greed. 
  4. Heart Center - Middle of the breast bone. Rich green sphere that enables you to give and accept love and easily express your feminine side. Signs its not functioning properly: repeating dysfunctional relationships, allergies, heart problems, jealousy, frequent emotional outbursts, high or low blood pressure. 
  5. Throat - Center of the hollow of the throat. Bright true blue sphere that throbs at the speed of light. Governs our speech and communication and can be energized to help us in creative endeavors. Signs its not functioning properly: chronic sore throats or hoarseness, ringing in the ears, tonsillitis, psychosis, verbal abusiveness, Tourettes Syndrome, writer's block. 
  6. Third Eye - Between and above the eyes. A sphere of rich deep indigo. Helps with many psychic endeavors since it governs the ability to see both the inner and outer planes of being. Signs its not functioning properly: persistent vision problems, sleep disorders, snoring, nightmares, migraines, dental problems, poltergeist activities. 
  7. Crown - Just above the head. A vivid violet sphere pulsating faster than the speed of light. The place where the higher self resides and a tool for spiritual growth, and used for study, astral projection, meditation, and creative dreaming. Signs its not functioning properly: dogmatism, smugness, depression, forgetfulness, loneliness, chemical imbalances, Parkinson's Disease, learning disorders, severe neurological disorders, memory loss, and most cancers. 
Steps in the Chakra Cleansing/Balancing Exercise
My source for this exercise says that cleansing should require about 45 mins, but I can't do that due to a busy family life.  You can do it lying down in your bed at night if you want, or take a few minutes here and there to practice it.  The important part, to me at least, is that you are attempting to better yourself, and not giving up to inaction.
  1. Sit with your spine as straight as possible. 
  2. Allow your eyes to close.
  3. Breathe deeply and relax.  Best way to breathe is in through the nose, and out the mouth. Breathe with your diaphrahm, not your chest. 
  4. Achieve a light meditative state. 
  5. Bring down the creative energy from the universe high above you. Visualize a white light. 
  6. Energize the Chakras one by one, starting with the crown chakra.
  7. Feel each one open.
  8. Sense or "see" any dark spots.
  9. Cleanse each chakra. 
  10. Focus most strongly on those relating to any illnesses.
  11. Flood each chakra with fresh energy and color.
  12. Visualize them all working at peak efficiency.
  13. Close or partially close any chakras you need to close. 
  14. Ground or return unused energy as desired.
  15. Spend a moment re-orienting your consciousness.
  16. Open your eyes. 
Source: How To Do Automatic Writing by Edain McCoy (1957)

Thursday, September 29, 2011


From the topics I've been coming across lately, the one that seems to have the most importance is the ascension. Here are the "facts" that I have come across:
  • On 11/11/11 will be the begining of the ascension process for planet Earth into the 5th dimension. What happened to the 4th dimnesion? We are "skipping" that step to expediate our ascension. Zaraya from Hollow Earth tells us that our planet is currently in the 4th dimension, as are many of us. 
  • Why 11/11? From what I'm gathering, time is just an illusion. Everything we experience is a product of our collective consciousness. We are actually replaying the same day over and over and over again, every day a new one as we play out time in our minds. The dates mean nothing, but the math involved with the numbers is meaningful. 
  • On 12/21/12, we will cross the galaxy's central sun and will be hit with the photon belt. The planet will  split into two timelines, the ascended earth as well as a catastrophic earth. The material world, and negative energies, will be splitting from an enlightened world and its positive energies. 
  • Not everyone will ascend, only those whose vibrations are high enough. If you are over 50% positive you will ascend.  On 21/21/12, everyone who is supposed to ascend but hasn't yet will be catapulted into ascension. 
  • When you ascend to the 5th dimension, you blink out of existence to those who are in the 3rd and 4th dimensions. Your energy will vibrate so high that they will not be able to see you.
  • Why do all the enlightened teachers talk about the earth changes so lightly? Because they're not going to be here for the catastrophes and they want to help us so that we are not here either. We need to focus on the positive in order to evolve, and must not dwell on these things that must be. 
  • In order to ascend, you must let go of all that is material. As long as you cling to the 3d world, you will be holding yourself back. Only you have the power to save yourself. 
To help with the ascension, you need to try to rid your body from all negative energy. The best way to do this is emotional clearing, as well as chakra cleansing.  Emotional clearing is pinpointing the things that make you angry, or sad, upset, depressed. It is coming to the realization that these are all states created by yourself. It is why forgiveness is so important, most importantly forgiveness of yourself. Sometimes you may need to seek forgiveness from others in order to forgive yourself. When you are angry at others, or jealous, you will sometimes realize that the other person didn't do anything wrong, but it was your own perception that clouded your judgment and colored your emotions. We need to let go of all these negative energies that keep us from evolving into beings of light. Like in the Ancient Egyptian myths, you're soul must be lighter than a feather. That's what enlightenment is all about. 

One way to work through emotional clearing is by meditation and cleansing your chakras.  It will help in pinpointing where you have energy blocks.  Once you've cleared your emotions and cleansed your chakras, energy will flow through you again and you will be in direct communication with your higher self, or your crown chakra, through kundalini. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Councils, Federations, Networks

Turns out that at the time of my last post, there was supposedly a war going on in our space between the reptilians & greys VS the galactic federation. Since then, I've found out from many different sources the same story.  All these "crazies" are saying the same thing from different sources. Are they all sharing the same collective delusions or is this in fact the truth?

The Agarthian Network - - The council that is on our very own planet who live within the core of the planet. This is where the biggest discrepancy is found... They are the only ones I have found that say we have shifted into the 4D in January 2006 and that our next shift will be into 5D.

The Galactic Federation of Light -

The Nibiruan Council - 

The Andromeda Council -

The Sirian High Council -

Peggy Kane - - Peggy Kane has been talking with the reptilians for some time now and confirms the information as above.

Why are these councils intervening at this time?  According to what I learned from the Andromeda Network, the Reptilians and Greys (Zeta Reticulans mainly from Orion) have been abusing mankind for quite some time and if they had not been stopped, it would have ripple across the entire universe in the next 300 years.  Militarization has to stop. We are killing the planet, and eventually we will kill everything if these dark forces are allowed to grow.  The reptilians "intervened" and abused, first the Greys and now us. As we are entering the photon belt, now is the best time to intervene and help our planet ascend.

Peggy Kane puts forth an interesting story where they could not help being who they were as they were the "shadow" self of God. The Andromeda council says they were sent to the far reaches of the Universe to fight amongst themselves, but Peggy says that they found oneness with God again.

All these 4D and 5D councils are now here to pick up their star seeds and take them elsewhere to continued their evolution. Earth was a prison planet.  Those remaining will be slated for Hollow or Inner Earth while Mother Earth goes through her own evolutionary changes.   All of us will be leaving our mortal lives behind and will evolve to 4d or 5d, unless our hearts are not ready to go. Murderers and bad people who do not have love in their hearts will remain in the 3rd dimension and the reincarnation loop until they are ready to evolve also.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Lift Off Instructions

I had a dream a few weeks ago about lift off.  This is the reason I've been so interested in this subject as the pages come up. My family and children were in a different place waiting for them to come pick us up.  A person came to see us and asked us why we'd left our other place, we were safer there. We told them we thought that this area was safer. She said that we'd be ok because the big shift would come later.  The building shook.  The next day, it started to really slide.  We'd packed but we weren't able to grab all of our things as the floors were at a 45o angle and everything was sliding.  Next thing I knew we were on the spaceship.

Here is a link to lift-off instructions. Some claim that these are coming from the Archons and NOT to get on the spaceships. Instead we must go to our cottages, and start up bartering communities filled with peace and love.  We must stay with our Mother Earth during the time of the shift and change with her. We must stay away from the big cities.  The Archons are culling humans. Interesting is what they say will happen to the planet, this is probably the only truth coming from them:
"We have millions of ships stationed in the skies above your planet, ready to instantly lift you off at the first warning of your planet's beginning to tilt on its axis.  When this occurs, we have only a very short time segment in which we can lift you from the surface before great tidal waves will lash your coastlines.  These waves can be as deep as five miles or more.  They will subsequently cover much of your land masses.  Your melting polar ice caps are contributing greatly to the unequal balance of the orb itself."

"Along with these changes, there will be great earthquakes which will feed from one suture line (fault line) to the next to cause severe shifting of entire tectonic plates.  As these splits and grindings occur, you will have massive volcanic eruptions over widespread areas of previously dormant cones.  In portions near your nuclear testing grounds, you will probably experience spillage of radioactive material into your atmosphere.  You will also experience radiation leakage from your nuclear power plants as they are disrupted by land changes.  Portions of your continents will split and sink, and in other areas, this will cause thrusting upward of other masses. "

Archons and Gnostics

Looks like today's post is going to be religion related again. I was browsing a website and have been coming up with a couple interviews and documents. This one is really interesting:

Rise of the Archons

Here are my favorite quotes from it:
  • People don’t realise that, 2,000 years ago, there was a religion on this planet called Gnosticism, which was the biggest religion on earth at the time, was vying with Hinduism. You could go take a university course on the history of religions now and wouldn’t even find a mention of Gnosticism. The Nag Hammadi texts provide a description for what the Gnostics believed
  • The Gnostics thought that Jehovah was an alien, off planet, demon and that he was a fake god – a masquerading Archon again - duplicating reality.  
  • They were jealous of us because we have an essence of some kind, a soul, that they don’t possess.
  • We must realize that we can tell which ideas are the truest by how much they are repressed. When they are suppressing an idea, a language, or individuals [or a way of being] you know you have accessed the truth or that individual is portraying the truth. The Gnostics were completely wiped out. 
  • I believe many of the stories of Jesus are actually Gnostic myths about a possible rebellion against the Archons who came down very severely on the rebel. 
  • They were incredibly advanced people and the undertow of this one war-god religion spread across the entire world and now it’s going to burn itself up in a conflagration where all the Jehovah worshiping religions are going to murder each other – which has always been the point.
  • I really hate to say this but we have all been fooled. The whole idea that some kind of messiah is going to come to save us is an Archon trick to make you think you don’t have to do anything about your present situation, no accountability.
  • When you begin to look back, you realize the early Christian, from the time of Jesus to the time of Constantine in 310 AD, they were preaching that they did not worship Jehovah; they worshiped the one true God. It could be argued that the early Christians were actually Gnostic followers of Jesus instead of what we, today, call Christians. The entire New Testament was completely rewritten by Constantine and all of the information on the Archons was removed and the ideas of Jehovah being a cruel god were lessened. This is a fact.
  • The Gnostics believed that there were advanced beings who actually care for us and that there was a bet or forecast made that the advanced beings’ creation i.e. human beings, would one day stop falling for the tricks of the Archons and wake up and they provided avenues for this to happen. One thing that is certain is that the Archons hate more than anything after love is courage.  
  • The thing that will solve the Archon dilemma more than anything is to love each other unconditionally.
  • Even scholars who know about the Archons are very afraid to talk about them in public because you attract Archonic energy by even mentioning them but, at this late stage in the game, we have to start thinking about who is fooling us and why they are doing it – and study what the ancients had to say about all of it.  
  • We are heading towards a conflagration, as you say, there’s no question about it. When and how, we don’t yet know but please do prepare. We’re talking about food, protection, common sense, growing your own food.

I have looked into some of the gnostic books in the past, but Christian sites claim that they are all fakes.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Don't get on the spaceships?

Ever since I was very young I've been very interested in aliens.  I've never been abducted but others probably thought I was because I was so fascinated with them.  I'm a pretty smart person so you can't keep me in a box, and mysteries have always captivated me. And today being Sunday, using excerpts from the Bible seemed appropriate.

Other than the Nephilim, I believe there are certain places in the bible which to me is clear as day that aliens intervened.  Why did so called God have a chosen people? Because these are the people that they genetically modified and they had to keep close tabs on them. It was important that they followed all their breeding rules to make it easy to track lineage. God used fear to control them.  Circumcision was the physical mark that said that we were one of theirs.

Genesis 17:10-11: "This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised. 11 And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you."

Genesis  19:24: "Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of the heaven; 25 And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground. 26 But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt."
Exodus 13:1-2: "And the LORD spake onto Moses, saying 2 Sanctify unto me all the firstborn, whatsoever openeth the womb among the children os Israel, both of man and of beast; it is mine."

Exodus 13:21: " And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to by by day and night: 22 He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people."

Exodus 19:20: "And the LORD came down upon mount Sinai, on top of the mount: and the LORD called Moses up to the top of the mount; and Moses went up."

Exodus 33:9-11: "And it came to pass, as Moses entered into the tabernacle, the cloudy pillar descended, and stood at the door of the tabernacle, and the LORD talked with Moses. 10 And all the people saw the cloudy pillar stand at the tabernacle door: and all the people rose up and worshipped, every man in his tent door. 11 And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. "

Exodus 40:34-38: "Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle. 35 And Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation, because the cloud abode thereon, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle. 36 And when the cloud was taken up up from over the tabernacle, the children of Israel went onward in all their journeys: 37 But if the cloud were not taken up, then they journeyed not till the day that it was taken up. 38 For the cloud of the LORD was upon the tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Isreal, throughout their journeys."

Anyhow, to get to the point of my post.  I recently watched a video on YouTube, and this lady says that when the cataclysmic events start happening that we should run to our cottages, NOT get on the spaceships.  They are the ones who have played god and keep us enslaved here in the physical world. They are the ones who control the Vatican and the politicians. They are the ones who use fear to control us. They are the ones who distorted Jesus's message to bend people to their will. Jesus was more of a mystic and his message is one of love and unity. God is in us and all around us, we are one, and we have nothing to fear if we have faith.  This physical world is but an illusion, we are multidimensional beings.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I recently watched a very interesting movie that I streamed on Netflix called Bloodline: Bloodline movie on Netflix

The important points from this movie are the following:
  • Jesus died 22 days later than they say he did.  
  • He disappeared from the tomb because Mary carried him out.
  • Mary and Jesus were in fact married, and had children.
  • The Church has Prieure de Sion members who know the truth.
  • They don't believe the world is ready for the news and are willing to hide this at all costs.
  • Mary Magdelene is buried in Rennes de Chateau in France. Jesus is possibly buried there also.
  • Jesus's bloodline continued in France. 2000 years later, anyone with any ancestors in France may have some blood of Christ coursing through their veins. 
The significance of all these is that the church made Jesus out to be more of a God than a man, and for him to have loved a woman and have children would make him more of a man.  The church seeks power, and control, and so they had to make sure that whatever they indoctrinated could not be disputed so it was important to get rid of "heretics" and evidence.

It is my strong belief that they used Jesus to gain power when they saw that their old ways were not working anymore. They tell us that reincarnation cannot be because if you knew that if you died you would just be coming back, they could not use fear of death to control you.

It is interesting that one woman interviewed in this movie said that perhaps the second coming of Christ was actually this renewed knowledge of Jesus, not that he would actually be coming back.  The mystics think the second coming of Christ actually may be many of us entering Christ Consciousness, and this amazing energy will be working through all of us.

I believe that there are lots of signs of aliens in the bible and that they wove in Jesus because they saw how powerful his influence was.  They are using him to continue breeding us and keep us under their control, physically. To willingly give up our free will to them, consenting prisoners.  I believe in Jesus, he was a good man.  His message was one of love and unity.  The church has not done that, they persecuted and still tell people today what they should think.

I am going all over the place here. It is late.  I will be back eventually to talk more about certain points I touched on and to post about other things I've come across.

Ramblings of an Old Goat

I've been thinking about starting this blog for a while now.  I want to post the things I discover, my journey if you will, on my quest for the truth.  New information is presented to me all the time and I feel like I should post them somewhere as I come across them.  I occasionally feel compelled to do some research, or things come up in the news, all pointing towards the truth.  I will post here whenever I feel that I have found something worthy of sharing.

There has been a lot of talk about 2012 and what it actually has in store for us.  I've been watching too many videos on youtube, surfing too many crazy websites.  This is going to be a collection of thoughts and findings pointing towards the truth of ourselves and what's in store for us. I've always tried to be normal, tried to fit in, but I understand now that I am not like others and that I will never be.  I have learned to love and trust myself.

I don't see myself as a sheep. I've always seen myself more of a shepherd, here to help lead the way to those who want to be helped. I've always wanted to help people.  Love is the most important thing in my life and I want to teach it to others.

I have chosen the alias Old Goat because my sun sign is Capricorn, and so is my moon sign and I've always felt that its description was right on the money for me. I say Old because I believe that I am an old soul, even though I am still fairly young in this life. These are my ramblings that I share with you, because people don't care for this type of info unless they are seeking the truth, and practically everyone around me is not.